Next September, Stefano Agnoletto (Fondazione ISEC- BI Norwegian Business School) will discuss the paper “Teaching migration history in Milano’s schools (2015-2018). An educational project on the history of Italian emigration” at the ISHD-International Society for History Didactics International Conference. The ISHD conference “Migration and History Education” program envisages a debate about the challenges for experts in history didactics and history teachers posed by the migration: migration is regarded as a key issue of the 21st century, which has an obvious and growing significance for all contemporary societies, regardless of whether and to what extent they are currently affected by emigration and immigration. However, migration has already been an integral part of the history of human societies from the earliest beginnings. Therefore, history education must take on the task of providing students with an appropriate understanding of migration history throughout the ages.
Monday 9/Wednesday 11 September 2019
Tutzing, Germany, Akademie für Politische Bildung, Buchensee 1